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Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, The Regional Institute of Oncology Iasi, TRANSCEND Research Centre

PN III Program – European and International Cooperation


TRANSCEND, designed as a translational research centre at the regional institute of oncology IRO), an university hospital, due to the EU structural funds, is in a emergent stage of its development. The centre, planned to generate a translational repertoire of biomarkers capable to develop the diagnostic tumor taxonomy and to keep going the personalized therapy, was founded on the interdisciplinary interplay between several cell and molecular high-throughput technologies.

It therefore offers a stimulating and dynamic scientific and clinical environment to reach its maximum potential by extending the current scientific aims to a more pronounced inter-, multi- and transdisciplinary approach of the biomedical research.

Such a goal will be fulfilled by exploring the huge opportunities brought by nanomedicine in development of less expensive and more powerful devices and functionalized nanocarriers used for the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases. Hence, the ambitious goal of the ESEI-BioMed project is to enhance and strengthen the excellence of the interdisciplinary biomedical research at the transcend research centre.

To meet this objective, a highly successful and experienced leadership (era chair holder) whose experience and professional value, including a range of skills from excellent research manager to excellent researcher in the field of nanomedicine-oriented research, will be hired aiming at implementing positive changes in the actual organization of the centre.

The interdisciplinary scientific plan and the management skills of the era-chair holder will certainly be the catalysts of the creation of an interdisciplinary team made of highly-skilled and dedicated researchers capable to properly address the scientific challenges and finally to increase the international visibility, translational capability and socio-economic impact of the TRANSCEND.

Project coordinator: CSII Dr. Brindusa Dragoi

General information

Financial resource State budget
PN III Program European and International Cooperation  
Project type Awarding participation in H2020
Project value 1.827.037,50 lei
Project period 36 months (04.01.2021 – 31.12.2023)
Project authority Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education and University Scientific Research
Contractor The Regional Institute of Oncology Iasi
Project coordinator CSII Dr. Brindusa Dragoi


Maximizing the research potential of the TRANSCEND research centre by creating a laboratory and an inter- and multidisciplinary team made of highly-skilled and dedicated researchers in nanomedicine capable to rise up the level of scientific competitiveness at international standards.

Financial resources

NO Budget
(including employer tax )
184,100.00 184,100.00 184,210.00 552,410.00
2 LOGISTICS  649,500.00 205,200.00 164,575.71 1,019,275.71
2.1 Capital 438,000.00 340,00.00 329,43.00 504,943.00
2.2 Stocks 210,000.00 170,000.00 130,432.71 510,432.71
2.3 Audit 1,500.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 3,900.00
3 MOBILITIES  610,00.00 58500 48,850.00 168,350.00
4 INDIRECT COSTS 44,730.00 22,390.00 19,881.79 87,001.79
  TOTAL 939,330.00 470,190.00 417,517.50 1,827,037.50

Work plan

Year Work plan
2021 Set up the laboratory for development of nanomaterials
    Research in the area of nanomedicine
  • Design and synthesis of nanomaterials for biomedical applications
  • Physico-chemical characterization of nanomaterials
  • Biological effects of nanomaterials
  • Communication, dissemination and mobilities
    Research in the area of nanomedicine
  • Design and synthesis of nanomaterials for biomedical applications
  • Physico-chemical characterization of nanomaterials
  • Biological effects of nanomaterials
  • Communication, dissemination and mobilities

Research topics

Research Topics Nanotechnology


Equipment Nanotechnology Equipment Nanotechnology Equipment Nanotechnology Equipment Nanotechnology

Communication and dissemination

  • A. Publications
  • B. Contributions to the scientific manifestations
    • 2D Nanostructured Layered Double Hydroxides for MRI and Anticancer Drug Delivery, B. Dragoi; 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials, Nanofabrication and Nanocharacterization (NANOMACH)”, 18 – 23.10.2021, Oludeniz - Muğla, Turcia - Invited Speaker
    • A Multi-Technique Approach to Characterize the Adsorption of Plasma Proteins on Layered Double Hydroxides, R-.M. Amarandi, A. Ibanescu, R.S. Danila, B. Dragoi; 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials, Nanofabrication and Nanocharacterization (NANOMACH)”, 18 – 23.10.2021, Oludeniz - Muğla, Turcia – poster
    • Development of Maisine-based microemulsions for ibuprofen controlled delivery, Mirela Nistor, Juan Aparicio-Blanco, Ana-Isabel Torres-Suárez, Aurel Pui, Brindusa Dragoi – Scientific communication of undergraduantes, masterands, and PhD students "CHEMISTRY – OPEN FRONTIERS TOWORDS KNOWLEDGE", XIIth edition, 11-12.11.2021, Iasi, Romania - oral presentation
  • C. Bachelor/master
    • Laura-Andreea Budeanu, - master thesis under a cotutelle agreement between IRO Faculty of Chemistry, Al.I. Cuza University, titled, “Solids with layered structure used for drugs formulation”, mentors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. chim. Doina Lutic (University) and CSII Dr. Brindusa Dragoi (IRO), defense June 2021
  • A. Publications
    • Liposomal-based formulations: a path from basic research to temozolomide delivery inside glioblastoma tissue, R.-M. Amarandi, A. Ibanescu, E. Carasevici, L. Marin, B. Dragoi, Pharmaceutics, 14 (2022) 308
  • B. Contributions to the scientific manifestations
    • Understanding Layered Double Hydroxide Properties as Nanocarriers for Chemotherapeutics and Contrast Agents, Dragoi B., V-Mat2022, 4th Edition of Materials Science and Nanoscience Webinar, 18.02.2022 – Keynote speaker
    • 2D hybrid MnAl-fluorouracil nanotheranostic construct with con-trolled morpho-structural properties Brindusa Dragoi, Alina Ibanescu, Roxana Pomohaci, Cristina Mariana Uritu, Doina Lutic, Eugen Carasevici, “The 7th ed. of Nanotech France 2022 Int. Conference and Exhibition (Nanotech France 2022)”, 14 – 18.06.2022, Rueil-Malmaison (Paris), France – oral presentation
    • Concapsulation of 5-fluorouracil and ibuprofen in MAISINE-based microemulsions, Mirela Nistor, Juan Aparicio-Blanco, Ana-Isabel Torres-Suárez, Aurel Pui, Brindusa Dragoi, 11th International Colloids Conference”, 11 – 16.06.2022, Lisbon, Portugal – poster presentation
    • Biocompatible manganese-based 2D layered nanomaterials as a viable solution for cancer diagnosis, Alina Ibanescu, Cristina-Mariana Uritu, Doina Lutic, Brindusa Dragoi, “7th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials 2022”,18 – 23.10.2022, Genoa, Italy – poster presentation
    • Role played by the hydrothermal treatment in the crystallization of the organic - inorganic fluorouracil - MgAl LDH nanohybrids, Dragos Olariu, Alina Ibanescu, Doina Lutic, Brindusa Dragoi, “7th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials 2022”,18 – 23.10.2022, Genoa, Italy – poster presentation
    • Microemulsion-Based Controlled Codelivery System of Flouroruracil and Ibuprofen, Mirela Nistor, Juan Aparicio-Blanco, Alina Nicolescu, Ana-Isabel Torres-Suárez, Aurel Pui, Brindusa Dragoi, Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice a studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor "CHIMIA - FRONTIERĂ DESCHISĂ SPRE CUNOAŞTERE“, 28.11.2022, Iasi, Romania – poster presentation
    • Fluorouracil - layered double hydroxides nanocomposites obtained through LDH-LDO-LDH structural conversion, Gabriela Bruja-Sorodoc, Alina Ibanescu, Doina Lutic, Brindusa Dragoi, “NanoBio&Med2022” 21 – 26.11.2022, Barcelona, Spain – poster presentation
    • Fluorouracil - MgAl Layered Double Hydroxides Nanohybrids and Their in vitro Therapeutic Efficacy on Glioblastoma, Paula Alexandra Postu, Alina Ibanescu, Dragos-Ioan Olariu, Brindusa Dragoi, Confer 2022 – Conferintele Institutului Regional de Oncologie Iasi, 23 – 26.11.2022, Iasi, Romania – poster presentation
  • C. Bachelor/master thesis
    • Mirela Nistor – Master thesis under a cotutelle agreement between IRO and Faculty of Chemistry, Al.I. Cuza University, titled “Study of drug release by microemulsions and ferrites”, mentors: Prof. Dr. chim. Aurel Pui (Cuza University) and CSII Dr. Brindusa Dragoi (IRO), defense June 2022
    • Gabriela Bruja-Sorodoc - Master thesis under a cotutelle agreement between IRO and Faculty of Chemistry, Al.I. Cuza University, titled “Synthesis of oxide composites for formulation of drugs with controlled release”, mentors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. chim. Doina Lutic (Cuza University) and CSII Dr. Brindusa Dragoi (IRO), defense June 2022
    • Dragos-Ioan Olariu - Bachelor thesis under a cotutelle agreement between IRO and Faculty of Chemistry, Al.I. Cuza University, titled “Oxides and Mixed Oxides for formulation of drugs” mentors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. chim. Doina Lutic (Cuza University) and CSII Dr. Brindusa Dragoi (IRO), defense June 2022
  • A. Publications
    • 1. Engineering the morpho-structural properties and drug loading degree of organic - inorganic fluorouracil, MgAl LDH nanohybrids by rational control of hydrothermal treatment, Alina Ibanescu, Dragos-Ioan Olariu, Doina Lutic, Vasile Hulea, Brindusa Dragoi, ACS Omega, 8 (2023) 26102
    • 2. The impact of lipid composition on vesicle protein adsorption. A BSA case study, Roxana-Maria Amarandi, Andrei Neamtu, Rares-Ionut Stiufiuc, Luminta marin, Brindusa Dragoi, 2023, in evaluare, ID ao-2023-09131v
    • 3. Maisine-based Microemulsions as Convenient Carriers for co-Loading of Anticancer and Anti-inflammatory Drugs. A Multi Spectroscopic Investigation, M. Nistor, A. Nicolescu, R.-M. Amarandi, A. Pui, R-I. Stiufiuc, B. Dragoi, 2023, in evaluare, ID mt-2023-01165u
  • B. Contributions to the scientific manifestations
    • 1. Bringing Layered Nanomaterials to the Frontline Research Against Vector-borne Diseases and CancerBrindusa Dragoi, Luminita Marin, Cristina-Mariana Uritu, "Thematic Workshop "Medicinal chemistry: methods materials and environmental impact" +WGs meetings+3rd MC meeting", COST Action CA21111, 23-24.01.2023, Modena, Italy - invited
    • 2. Nanomedicine, a viable, but challenging solution for oncology, B. Dragoi, SMART HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES, 07-09.02.2023, Iasi - invited
    • 3. The Therapeutic Effects Of Fluorouracil - MgAl Layered Double Hydroxides Nanohybrids On Glioblastoma, Paula Alexandra Postu , Alina Ibanescu, Dragos-Ioan Olariu, Brindusa Dragoi, International Congress of Apollonia University of Iasi, March 2-5, 2023, Iasi, Romania - poster presentation
    • 4. Layered double hydroxides as potentially smart luminescent materials for cancer research, B. Dragoi, COST Action CA21159, 21-22.02.2023, Bruxelles, Belgium - invited
    • 5. 2D nanostructures for cancer nanomedicine, Brindusa Dragoi, University of Milano-Bicocca, 29.05.2023, Milano, Italy – seminar
    • 6. Fine-tuning of liposome nanovehicles for improved anticancer drug delivery, Roxana-Maria Pomohaci, University of Milano-Bicocca, 29.05.2023, Milano, Italy - seminar
    • 7. Impact of lipid composition on the protein adsorption of nanoliposomes – a combined in silico and in vitro investigation, Roxana-Maria Amarandi, Luminita Marina, Andrei Neamtu, Brindusa Dragoi, NanoTech Poland 2023, 14-16 June 2023, Poznań, Poland - oral presentation
    • 8. MgAl Layered Double Hydroxides Nanohybrids as Effective Carriers for Controlled Release of 5-Fluorouracil: Effect of Experimental Conditions on the Release Behavior, Alina Ibanescu, Dragos-Ioan Olariu, Doina Lutic, Brindusa Dragoi, NanoTech Poland 2023, 14-16 June 2023, Poznań, Poland - poster presentation
    • 9. Design of Ibuprofen-loaded microemulsions and NMR characterization, Mirela Nistor, Alina Nicolescu, Aurel Pui, Brindusa Dragoi, NanoTech Poland 2023, 14-16 June 2023, Poznań, Poland - poster presentation
    • 10. Synthesis and Characterization of Magnesium-Aluminium Layered Double Hydroxides for 5-Fluorouracil Delivery in Cancer Treatment, Dragos-Ioan Olariu, Alina Ibanescu, Doina Lutic, Brindusa Dragoi, NanoTech Poland 2023, 14-16 June 2023, Poznań, Poland - poster presentation
    • 11. In vitro Drug Release Evaluation of Fluorouracil - MgAl Layered Double Hydroxides Nanohybrids on Glioblastoma Model Systems, Paula Alexandra Postu, Alina Ibanescu, Dragos-Ioan Olariu, Brindusa Dragoi, NanoTech Poland 2023, 14-16 June 2023, Poznań, Poland - poster presentation
    • 12. Assessing the potential of mnal layered double hydroxides as contrast agents for mri and ros generators, Alina Ibanescu, Paula Alexandra Postu, Cristina-Mariana Uritu, Brindusa Dragoi, CONFER 2023, 22-24 noiembrie 2023, Iasi, Roamnia, - poster presentation
    • 13. Development of Nanocarriers Based on Microemulsions and Liposomes for encapsulation and delivery of special payloads, Mirela Nistor, Alina Nicolescu, Roxana-Maria Amărandi, Aurel Pui, Brîndușa Drăgoi, 2nd International Conference “Advances in 3OM”, 13-14 December 2023, Timisoara, Romania – oral presentation
  • C. Bachelor/master thesis/PhD theses
    • Mirela Nistor – PhD Thesis under an Agreement of Collaboration between IRO and Faculty of Chemistry, Al.I. Cuza University, titled “Oxide nanostructures with biomedical applications and for water”, superviser: Prof. Dr. chim. Aurel Pui (University), adviser from IRO, CSII Dr. Brindusa Dragoi, defense planned for Sepetemebr 2025
    • Dragos-Ioan Olariu - master thesis under a cotutelle agreement between IRO and Faculty of Chemistry, Al.I. Cuza University, titled “controlled relase systems for anticancer drugs” (temporary title) mentors: Asooc. Prof. Dr. chim. Doina Lutic (University) and CSII Dr. Dragoi (IRO), defense planned for June 2024
    • Roxa Alexii - master thesis thesis under a cotutelle agreement between IRO and Faculty of Chemistry, Al.I. Cuza University, titled “Oxide materials for controlled release drug formulations” (temporary title) mentors: Asooc. Prof. Dr. chim. Doina Lutic (University) and CSII Dr. Brindusa Dragoi (IRO), defense planned for June 2024
  • D. Communication to broad public
  • E. PNIII support project together with the ERA-Chair project, the preamble for attracting funds through projects:
    • 2021 - Engineered Nanotheranostics for Diagnosis and Catalytic Therapy of Cancer (NanoCatTherapy) PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-1706, PI: Dr. Brindusa Dragoi, non-funded (UEFISCDI)
    • Nanovehicle fine-tuning for improved anticancer drug delivery (NanoCanTune), PI: Dr. Roxana-Maria Pomohaci, PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2021-0786, funded, active (01.04.2022 – 31.03.2024) (UEFISCDI)
    • 2022 - Microfluidic Assisted Engineering of Drug-Loaded Nanoemulsomes and Assessment in a 3D Glioblastoma Model (Microfluidics-NE3D), HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01-01, PI: Dr. Sajid Asghar, non-funded, Seal of Excellence (European Commission)
    • 2023 - Designing nanoscale 2D onconanocatalysts for modulating tumor cell metabolism (OncoNanoCat), PN-IV-P1-PCE-2023-1257, PI: Dr. Brindusa Dragoi, under evaluation (UEFISCDI)
    • Nanoscale investigation of DNA modifications induced by mild hyperthermia and chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer applications (nanoHope), project11493, Consortium coordinator: Prof. dr. habil., Rares-Ionut Stiufiuc, PI IRO: Dr. Brindusa Dragoi, M.ERA-NET, under evaluation, step 2.

Research Team

CSII Dr. Brindusa Dragoi

Project Manager

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doina Lutic

Experienced researcher

CSIII Dr. Cristina-Mariana Uritu

Experienced researcher

CSIII Dr. Crina-Elena Tiron

Experienced researcher

CSIII Dr. Adrian Tiron

Experienced researcher

Dr. Roxana-Maria Pomohaci

Postdoctoral researcher

Dr. Paula-Alexandra Postu

Postdoctoral researcher

Alina Ibanescu

PhD student

Gabriel Luta

Research assistant

Mirela Nistor

Research assistant/PhD student

Dragos Ioan Olariu
Dragos-Ioan Olariu

Asistent de cercetare/student masterand

Roxana Alexii
Roxana Alexii


Explore the NTL in photos

Stories of young scientists

“Participating in this project helped shape the course of my personal path from several points of view: professional, social, psychological, and even financial. This opportunity gave me the chance to broaden my knowledge in this study field, to define the first steps of my career path as a researcher, but also to properly manage the difficult situations that may arise during the course of a research project. I believe that such an experience is an essential step in one’s personal development on all levels, but also an opportunity to strengthen a career in research, especially for those at the beginning of their journey.” (Postdoc scientist)

“By being included in this project, I was given the opportunity to approach a new direction of research. The project facilitated access to different types of resources, also creating a favorable context for acquiring new complex laboratory techniques. Last but not least, due to the interdisciplinary nature of the project, I improved my ability to disseminate specialized technical information.” (Postdoc scientist)

“Participating in this project meant for me a real opportunity to enter the fascinating world of medical research. I saw firsthand how a multi-partner collaborative research project works. The results obtained and the collaborations represented a chance for professional development. This project facilitated participation and affirmation in national and international events with impact in the scientific world.” (PhD student)

“As the project unfolded, I became intimately acquainted with the remarkable potential of nanomaterials in revolutionizing various fields, especially nanomedicine. This research journey has honed my technical skills and encouraged a resilient mindset, which is essential in navigating the uncertainties inherent in cutting-edge science. Collaborating with seasoned scientists and engaging in the rigors of experimentation has forged a commitment to excellence and a pursuit of knowledge that extends beyond the confines of the laboratory. Ultimately, this scientific journey has left an indelible mark on me, shaping my academic pursuits. Empowered by the understanding that nanoscale breakthroughs can redefine the future, I emerge with a heightened sense of purpose, ready to contribute to the ongoing scientific exploration and innovation narrative.” (PhD student)

“In the PN III project, I worked as a research assistant in the field of nanomedicine, focusing on the synthesis, controlled release, and physicochemical characterization of various nanomaterials. Since my undergraduate studies, I’ve got the opportunity to be a volunteer in this project and this has been a very important step in my professional development. Specifically, I had the privilege of contributing to various aspects related to obtaining nanomaterials capable of encapsulating and delivering drugs to target areas, gaining extensive and diverse experience in the process. Throughout this journey, I had the opportunity not only to learn technical and theoretical aspects but also to develop essential teamwork, time management, and problem-solving skills specific to the field. Additionally, I explored new methods and technologies, allowing me to solidify both theoretical and practical knowledge. In conclusion, the PN III project was not just a research experience; it was a journey that shaped my career direction and marked a strong beginning even from my school days” (master student)

“My experience as a volunteer in this scientific research project has been exciting and deeply formative. I had the opportunity to work alongside experienced researchers, who gave me valuable perspectives on future research directions. The team appreciated my dedication and contribution in managing various laboratory tasks. I received guidance and constructive feedback on my activities, which was essential for my development within the project. During my volunteering, I had the opportunity to participate in scientific presentations and take part in advanced discussions on the latest findings in the field. This experience strengthened my team skills, critical thinking and knowledge deepening in an applied context” (master student)

Related projects

Nanovehicle fine-tuning for improved anticancer drug delivery (NanoCanTune)
Dr. Roxana-Maria Amarandi


CSII Dr. Brindusa Dragoi

Regional Institute of Oncology Iasi
TRANSCEND Research Centre
Str. General Henri Mathias Berthelot 2-4,Iași 700483

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